What would have been Joanna Kim aka Etherealvixen's interview

Joanna Kim, whose screen name is/was Etherealvixen, is/was a model of sorts and, according to a bio she has at a popular model networking website, a former Miss Korea Hawaii. I don't even remember what first brought her to my attention, but I sent her a message on a whim and asked her is she'd be interested in a brief interview, so the cyber world could learn a little more about her. She replied; "sure." So, I did some research and send her some questions, to which she never replied. Didn't surprise me, don't care, her loss. However, my questions sure won't be a loss. At left would have been a photo of Joanna/Etherealvixen.

Photo of Joanna would have gone above
and here would have been the caption.
CHRIS CHARLES: Thanks for doing this. I actually caught you on Youtube over a year ago but I see now when I go to visit your channel, Youtube states your channel's been terminated, even though many of your videos are still up. What's the story on that?

CHRIS: What inspired your cyber name?

CHRIS: Were you born and raised in Hawaii?

CHRIS: You're a professional hairstylist and said you do modeling as an "escape." Do you have aspirations to eventually model as more than just an escape?

CHRIS:You are a former Miss Korea Hawaii. Have you competed in any other pageants or contests?

CHRIS: I understand you've also appeared in some local commercials?

Photo of Joanna would have gone above
and here would have been the caption.
CHRIS: Any desires to branch out to acting?

CHRIS: Despite the fact that you clearly state on your modeling profile you don't do nudes, do you still get offers to do nude photo shoots?

CHRIS: You also paint. Tell me about your artwork.

CHRIS: Do you actually sometimes paint in your bikini or was that just for the camera?

CHRIS: Anything you'd like to tell about yourself here that you don't include on your bio? (Hidden talents, hobbies, skills, whatever?)

CHRIS: Well, it's been a pleasure, Joanna (is what I would have said, had she replied to my questions). In closing, any plugs shout-outs to anyone?

Joanna has/had a Youtube channel, so if I would have found a suitable video of her to
go with this, it would have gone above. Instead, enjoy this five-second test pattern.


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