Ploy Nyam for Headmuns Security Pants

This Thai commercial for Headmuns Security Pants has pretty Miss Ploy Nyam speaking of the dangers that concern many of today’s young women living in Thailand’s urban areas. However, she need not worry any longer, because Headmuns now offers a defense designed to ward off potential attacks, while also providing protection for the wearer’s “lady parts.” These security pants are guaranteed to thwart any would-be assailants by presenting them with something they didn’t expect to find their intended victim to be packing. Then again ….since it is Thailand ….maybe it’s exactly what some would-be assailants would be expecting to find a young lady packing.

The song that accompanies this spot is “Lovely” by Audrianna Cole, and pleasantly offsets Miss Nyam’s monologue, which one viewer described as sounding like “a cat that’s fallen into a wood chipper.”


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