Van Tieu Apologizes for her Colleague’s On-Air F**k-Up

As many of you might already know, a rookie North Dakota TV news anchor was recently fired right after he preceded the opening to his very first news broadcast with some profanity. (Story here) If you saw it, you may not have paid as much attention to his gaffe as you did Van Tieu; his pretty co-anchor who introduced him and maintained her composure during the awkward on-air moments.

Since Van is the lead anchor of KFYR’s evening news, she was given the unenviable task of apologizing to the viewers for her former and very-short-lived co-anchor’s blunder. The above is her doing so at the opening of that evening's 10:00 PM newscast, which she handled solo. I don’t think they would have been the next Rather-Chung, anyway.

See more of Van at:
Her Facebook Fan Page
Her Reporter Reel
Van on Twitter


  1. Saw that guy on Letterman after that blunder. His 15 min of fame should be up by now. He must really regret blowing his chance to work next to Van. She's a cutie!

  2. This site is about the ladies, but for those wondering what the guy Van apologized for is doing now:


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